Monday, April 03, 2006

For whatever reason, I have been listening to alot of 90's music lately. It makes me think of how I go in these musical circles where I will rotate back to something. Sometimes rediscovery is just as good as discovery. Although, the weirdest part is how you can associate music with memories and where you were at in life at the time when you first heard absorbed it. LP2 by sdre is one of these particular albums for me, it reminds me of the time I got it, I remember it clearly. Me and Kevin drove an hour out of town, and I was going through a weird time in my life, and I had already been in love with the diary album. We were both listening to alot of hardcore at the time as well, I remember that cd so much as a breath of fresh air. Not only did it not sound like diary, but it just sounded like someone who first found joy. Reading back on what the band and more particulary what J. Enigk was going through at the time when this was written was something similar to my own experiences. The discovery of joy and it's confusion and all that went along with it. The last time I listened to it, I was in Washington driving back from the Ocean on a very great day in my life. It seems this album is the album that God made to cheer me up, he might have used sdre to do it, but it worked. To this day, when I hear "Red Elephant", I sense something good and new on the horizon. I love how that album makes me feel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was SUCH a good day.

2:04 PM  
Blogger stephen joseph said...

I know!

2:09 PM  
Blogger stephen joseph said...

I agree. I remember that day we drove to lawton and I got it, I think we were listening to strongarm on the way up there. that might have been that same day where that coyote was in your yard.

2:35 PM  

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