Thursday, July 27, 2006


Now, I am not a financial expert by any means. But when you stop to think that the operating budget of a small country is roughly one billion dollars and then you see current figures from companies, you start to ask questions.

If a drug company can make 30 billion + a year, and oil companies bring in somewhere around the range of 300 billion + a year, would they not take the means of that of a small country to defend their propriety?

The idea of this possibility really troubles me.

For one, a country can influence another country and gain allies just as such.

Two, some countries are unethical in practice and standards.

Three, if a small country with 1 billion dollars can be cruel, what is that to say of those who make 300x that of the small country, and by what means are they going to protect their practices?

Four is that a country is somewhat publically and morally obligated to help the less fortunate, where as a company or coporation is not.

Another thing that comes into mind is how such possible influence can affect us on a global or local level.

Natural Gas, although a potent source of energy, will run out. It is just a matter of time. Solar Power is a proven inexhaustable source of storing CLEAN energy and two giant solar panels the arizona sun could power all of north america in a surplus. A project that would cost roughly two billion dollars. Now, why has no initiative been taken? Has monetary influence played it's part?

Are there forces beyond that of those who want to make a difference such as coporations trying to protect their source of income? How can we make a difference?


Blogger stephen joseph said...


11:06 AM  
Blogger stephen joseph said...

eck lives! did you get a new phone?

7:24 AM  

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