Some days I don't know. Things seem like they are going okay, but then again things get complicated too. Nothing is implicitly bad, but there I go again being vague. I don't want to upset anyone, but yet I upset the ones that matter to me the most. I Love too much, or I Love not enough. Confused?- At the moment. Ok?- I will be. Content?- No. I hope you all know that I am trying and in that, I am also trying to do things right. My intentions are the same and I plan to keep striving. Please don't give up on me. There is hope. There is love. There is peace. There is lonelyness. There is me. It will be okay. This is but a blink in eternity.
tilly and the wall- wild like children
track one.
track two.
track three.
track four.
track five.
track six.
track seven.
track eight.
track nine.
track ten.
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