ann coulter is a frickin' idiot.
Constituting everyone into labels is ignorant assumption. Ann Coulter gives her cause a real bad name by attacking people who never had attacked her. Labeling people who care about the environment as "liberals" who are "godless" is more judgemental than anything else. If she did have any good points, she has lost them in the midst of all her statements of ignorance. How can you call someone godless and then say that they don't mind being called godless? I really find this insulting as a Christian who tends to lean towards the left. My views on how energy should be spent, and how my morality blends into a political landscape might differ drastically from that of my conservative friends, but I don't go out calling them ignorant cookie cutter judgementalists who loves fox news. The character of those with faith should be not that of judgementalism, and if you want to go that route, you should look more into tactful accountability. I have this friend Al who further negates his cause by attacking with malice instead of approaching with tact. Al pretty much told me that all democrats are cooks and that Ted Kennedy is a nutjob. Now, Senator Kennedy certainly has some downfalls, he has had a dui, not unlike the President. But to dismiss the good that both men do and label them as nutjobs certainly does no good. As a person who leans toward the left, I don't go badmouthing the president. It does not good. Anyone can try to prove a point by interrupting someone with randomn half truths, and it seriously is a tactic used to support mute points. Calling someone a nutjob to try to have someone else see your point of view is totally ignorant. This is like calling out a homosexual in a Church service and calling them by derogatory names. Why wouldn't we do this? Hmmmm. Cause that makes Christians look bad and is not of the Character of Christ. I have quite of bit of friends who are gay, and most of them have told me that being a real, respectful person who sees them as a true friend has shown them more about Christianity than anything else. So touch base with my main sentiment to Ann Coulter is that she is for conservatives what Howard Dean is for liberals, bad. I have no major issues with them because I do know there are some great conservatives too, and in that same sense, please know that there are some awesome leftists out there too. Just because we take things from a different approach does not mean we are "godless", only God can judge that. Ann Coulter, have fun selling to people who are already in the same mindset as you. Thanks for passing your judgement on me and saying that I don't mind being called "godless".
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