Great Albums in my life, Take Two:
So, it's around the year 2000, and I have been going to and from on long drives on an almost weekly basis. I was listening to weezer around this time and I always knew who the rentals were but their first cd didn't really strike me. I was telling a friend of mine about how much I liked Weezer's "Pinkerton" album, and was asked if I liked the Rentals. I gave my weary "they're ok" reaction, which was actually anticipated. Matt Sharp, who left Weezer after Pinkerton to pursue the Rentals full time was a man not unlike myself, he was going through some big changes and fighting burnout, and was running away to pursue happiness. So I was handed a copy of The Rentals' "Seven More Minutes", and I tossed it in my back seat. About two months later, I gave it a shot. Ever since then I have been in Love with the rentals. This is an album about a Man who left his known world to chase his heart in far off places. The Muse, the plagues, the good and bad are all here on this album. Not only do I like this album more than Weezer's Pinkerton, I like the rentals more than I like Weezer. I don't really listen to Weezer today, but I listen to the Rentals on a regular rotation. And although, I don't speak with the person who turned me onto this cd anymore, I can truly say they helped my life by putting this cd in my life.

The Rentals recently got back together and I couldn't be more thrilled.
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