Today I talked with this woman who had just moved up from the Rio Grande River Valley. She came in with the confidence and the demeanor to actually make a change in her life, as well as the life of her family. I helped her get some clothes for her and her family, and it wasn't until half way through talking with her, I noticed that she only had half a hand. This hand was not naturally in half. From the quick look at it, I could tell it was severed off. Images ran through my head of what hardships this sweet lady had endured. Driving desperately into Oklahoma that their might be hopes of a better life for her and her little daughter, and her mother who couldn't even speak a word of english.
Poverty can end, I truly believe that it can. We make the difference, through supporting those who cannot support themselves to begin with. Greater pride has no one than the one who can do something finally on their own, except maybe that of the one making sure that they can. Our parents had done that for us. God does that for us. Why can't we give people the same diginity?
Support is not necessarily money, although it can be. It is a ride, it is giving someone food. It is donating your old clothing. It is taking the time to give someone the dignity that has been given unto you.
So I think about this desperate but confident half handed mother, with her little daughter coming from the depths of nothing, trying to make it, just needing that push of diginity, that assurance that Love will overcome all things, and I think about my own mother and if she was in that situation, or if it was my sister. This has gotten me pretty emotional and I have probably lost you all on my point. But please look into helping the less fortunate. Everyone knows someone who could use a little help.
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