Friday, January 05, 2007

Logan Whitehurst
Just a few minutes ago, I found out that Logan Whitehurst had passed away about a month ago in his sleep.

Although I never knew the man personally, I saw a band he was playing in a few years back, The Velvet Teen, play a show in Seattle, and I was amazed at his skill as a drummer and that he could sing and play drums. I had a great night that night for many reasons, and that is how I will always associate him.

He later had to leave his favorite band (the velet teen) for what I heard was something to the effect of a severe brain problem, and he kept on making music as "Logan Whitehurst and The Junior Science Club", and I was even more amazed at the man's creativity and love for music beyond his own health problems.

Finding this out really saddens me, because if a person who was part of a great day in my life that I barely know passed and it troubles even me, I can't imagine the pain his friends and family are going through.


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