Thursday, May 04, 2006

The future is a funny thing. Remember how I was talking about summer and plans and life in some of my past blogs? Well here is the summer so far:

May- I am only home for one weekend (mother's day), and I will be out of state (MO & GA) twice in this month.
June- Vacation, Ellis is coming time off and relaxtion with good friends.
July- Tenatively going to New England & road tripping to Canada with Kevin.
August- Lollapalooza 06 in Chicago, and then:
Classes Again?
Leading a College Group?
Leading a group for younger adults?
All kinds of shtuff.

In this time, I plan on recording and playing some shows (which I had not done in a while). The college group thing and young adult thing were offered to me today, I have yet to decide, although I see lots of positives. I still plan on gearing up my stuff so I can move. But life's plans change as life changes. The conflict inevitably arises in that I want to still have a life while I am making plans vs. plans can take you out of life in some regard. Part of me wants to be sad, but I think I will always have that part in me, I need to live life and for some reason type things out to come to these conclusions.


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