Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005

---I have finally broken down and made a blog for myself. ---
I had a great weekend. Oddly enough, this stems from working in a different city. Edmond somehow became the breath of fresh air that I needed.
After work on friday, I headed down to bricktown and saw Elizabethtown, and Cameron Crowe once again did not fail me. I left with a sense of family, peace, and happyness. Good job.
I also left with an Americana kick, and the Ryan Adams cds came out once again.
Saturday met with a regular work day, with the hopes of a show. But instead of going the see the National play down in Norman. I decided I needed to go see my dear friend Stormy. You can always tell who your great friends are by how they recieve you after a significant amount of time has passed. I also got to play with Jasmine and see some old friends too.
On my way out, Stormy and I had a five minute conversation about , well... Ok, she listened to me rant about how I feel I need to spend more time with friends who care about me and that I truly know do so and be less of a hermit. It was just a short converstion, but I am glad that she was there to listen.
I then started to drive to Size Recs and on the way, saw this lady singing what must have been a metal song, or maybe even an Alanis song with her IPOD, it had to have been one of those two due to the look on her face, she was pissed!
Once I got to size I explained to Dustin and the staff how I needed to just go on a drive and I needed something to get my most recent Americana fix, they prescribed me some M. Ward, which proved to be be the right medication along with some Denison Witmer.
I got lost on a great drive.